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Reiki Courses or Chi Activation? Which Should You Choose?

When you discover a new healing modality, it’s easy to get excited. A new energy wonderworld to explore. The chance to become a master healer. A chance to wow your friends and family with your newfound healing skills.
But before you hit the ‘Enrol Now’ button, you will want to consider what healing course in Melbourne is best for you.
You see, everyone is different, everyone has a different level of experience. So the right healing course for one person is not necessarily the right healing course for another. So is Chi Activation the right healing method for you? Or would something like Reiki be better suited to your particular needs?
Both are powerful healing modalities, so here we will discuss the differences between them and help you figure out which one would work best for you.


If you haven’t yet studied or practised energy work, we suggest you learn Reiki course in Melbourne before Chi Activation.

In our opinion, taking a Reiki course in Melbourne is the best way to begin your healing journey. It will teach you to connect to energy to heal both yourself and others (not to mention plants and animals as well!), and it will teach you invaluable meditations both for grounding and becoming a pure healing channel.

Taking a Reiki course in Melbourne will also give you a lot of healing confidence. You will learn valuable hand positions for working on other people. You will gain essential experience using your intuition in healing sessions in Melbourne. You will get an excellent foundation for any healing method you learn afterwards.

If you have already learnt Reiki, however, then Chi Activation will help you become a healing maestro.

It will take you from connecting to a single energy frequency to connecting to multiple energy frequencies. As a result, it will greatly increase the range of issues you can successfully heal, as well as allowing you to access both extremely grounding and high vibrational energy frequencies (in particular, Earth star energy and soul star energy).

Ultimately, Chi Activation will grant you the ability to do more precise energy work, it’s just that everything works best at its proper time. You need to crawl before you can walk, and you need to walk before you can run. Chi Activation is sprinting in Melbourne.

The difference between Chi Activation and Reiki can be seen as the difference between a medical specialist and a GP. The GP is good at practically everything, but when you have a specific issue that you are struggling with, you will often want the specialist for the deepest healing.

That said, Reiki courses in Melbourne teach you a greater variety of skills than Chi Activation. In the early levels, you will learn powerful meditations, how to connect to Reiki symbols, how to use mantras to charge yourself with both “earth” and “heavenly” energy, and the Reiki course in Melbourne will also give you an excellent theoretical understanding of the art of healing.

So, ultimately, the choice between the two healing modalities comes down to experience. If you have already studied either Reiki or other similar healing modalities, then you’ll get more from learning Chi Activation. But if you are starting out, you’d do best to begin with a Reiki course in Melbourne.


Going Deeper

If you would like to learn more about Chi Activation, then be sure to take a good look around this website. It has information on every last detail about Chi Activation (including a frequently asked questions page), so if you have a question about it, that question will be answered somewhere.

If you’re looking to take a Reiki courses Melbourne, we recommend visiting Jeremy O’Carroll’s Om Reiki website. He has been teaching Reiki Courses Melbourne for over 15 years, has trained thousands of students and over 300 Reiki Masters, and is loved for the clarity and detail of his explanations.

He is also the Amazon bestselling author of “The Perfect Reiki Course – Everything You Need to Know before Your First Class”, and one of Australia’s most recognised Reiki Masters.

Importantly, you should know that the vast majority of Reiki courses in Melbourne today are missing up to 50% of the original Reiki teachings. This means that most students only get a weak imitation of the true Reiki healing system.

To find out more about this, visit the Om Reiki website and download a copy of Jeremy O’Carroll’s free e-book: “Can Reiki Really Do That? 18 Essentials to Becoming a Master Healer”.

This e-book will honestly and clearly tell you exactly what Reiki can and can’t do, and it will explain the 12 best things Reiki can do for you and the six Reiki course traps you must avoid.

The key takeaway right now, however, is that if you have never taken a healing course, then learning Reiki will almost certainly be the way to go. It is simple to learn, fast to put into action, and powerful

If you have already studied healing, though, then you will be amazed at how effortlessly Chi Activation expands the healing work that you currently do.